„Oldal:The-convention-1931.djvu/8” változatai közötti eltérés

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6 559 bájt hozzáadva, 2021. október 26., 10:00
Nincs korrektúrázva: Új oldal, tartalma: „{{raw:data:ai|3|280|{{raw:data:s|18|AZ ŐRTORONY}}|Brooklyn, N.Y.}} {{raw:data:c |{{raw:data:p|c| a Társulatott és annak munkáját, nem vehetik fel ezt a nevet, mert…”
(Nincs korrektúrázva: Új oldal, tartalma: „{{raw:data:ai|3|280|{{raw:data:s|18|AZ ŐRTORONY}}|Brooklyn, N.Y.}} {{raw:data:c |{{raw:data:p|c| a Társulatott és annak munkáját, nem vehetik fel ezt a nevet, mert…”)
(Nincs különbség)

A lap 2021. október 26., 10:00-kori változata

A lap nincsen korrektúrázva

Brooklyn, N.Y.



a Társulatott és annak munkáját, nem vehetik fel ezt a nevet, mert ha azt megtennék, akkor Jehova tanúinak vallanák magukat, és így igazolnák, hogy tévedtek, amikor ellenezték a tanúskodási munkát. Ezek az ellenzők többször is kijelentették, hogy a Társulat egy könyvkereskedelmi rendszer, és ha most felvennék a "Jehova tanúi" nevet, akkor azzal a márkával (védjeggyel) jelölnék meg magukat, amelyet Jézus mondott, hogy adni fog nekik: "Íme, én adok a Sátán zsinagógájából, azok küzzül, akik azt mondják magukról, hogy zsidók, és nem azok, hanem hazudnak; íme, arra késztetem őket, hogy eljöjjenek, és leboruljanak a te lábaid előtt, és megtudják, hogy én szeretlek téged. " – Jel. 3:9.

The WATCH TOWER the Society and its work cannot take that name, be- 4uuse if they do they thereby declare themselves to 110 Jehovah's witnesses and prove that they have been wrong in opposing the witness work. These opponents have repeatedly stated that the Society is a book- selling scheme, and if they now take the name "Je- hovah's witnesses" they brand themselves with the brand which Jesus said he would give them, to wit: "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Sa- tan, which say they are Jews, and arc not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship be- fore thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." -Rev. 3:9. Let the anointed witnesses of Jehovah now push on with the work to his honor and glory. Let them give no heed whatsoever to the slanderous or abusive words of the opposition. We have no fight with any individ- ual. We have no time for argument with those who oppose the Lord's work. They cannot prevent the work, and to argue with them merely wastes good consecrated time. The anointed are now determined to obey the admonition given by the Lord's Word in Romans 16: 17, 18: "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences, con- trary to the doctrine which ye have learned; AND AVOID THEM. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the .hearts of the simple." The I.B.S.A., which is in brief the name for the International Bible Students Association, is the name of the corporation and to which the Society holds title, and no one has a right to that name except the Society owning the corporation. That corporate name will continue to be used for the purposes for which the corporation was organized. As to the Lord's anointed, henceforth they will be known and desig- nated in all advertisements of meetings, for conven- tions and for other work, as Jehovah's witnesses. By this means the people will come to know that Je- hovah God has a people on earth who delight to rep- resent him and to honor his name and to hold aloft his banner of righteousness. Not only was the name "Jehovah's witnesses" joyfully received by those at the convention, but immediately following the adop- tion of the resolution the Lord's anointed began to remove from their motor cars the letters I.B.S.A. and to put thereon instead the letters J.W. When they ran out of paint they even marked J.W. in the dust oIl their cars. As they went forth to canvass in the field they spoke of themselves as Jehovah's wit- nesses. They delight to bear this name because the mouth of Jehovah has thus named them.-Isa. 62: 2. The fire of the enemy will now be concentrated upon Jehovah's witnesses, because these are they who have the testimony of Jesus Christ and who keep the com- mandments of Jehovah God. (Rev. 12: 17) The op- posers, acting under the direction of Satan, will in- BaOOKLYN. N. Y. dulge in all manner of slanderous and malicious state- ments against the anointed; but the more this is done the greater will be the proof that the Lord's anointed ones are truly the representatives of Jehovah. This will draw the attention of the people to them; and the peoples of good will and who desire righteousness will see that Jehovah has a people in the land, even as the people of Israel reeognized that there were prophets amongst them. What a blessed privilege now to be a witness for Jehovah. Every one of Jehovah's witnesses must be clean in every respect and must be fully and completely separate from all others. They are in the world, but no part of it. As Esther and Mordecai were in due time caused to be fully identified before the people as Jews, even so now the remnant of the Lord must be and are identified as those who give praise to the name of Jehovah God and tell the people of his kingdom. There must be and is now an absolute unity of the anointed, and from henceforth let these march forward proelaiming the kingdom to the honor of Jehovah's name. 'l'hey are absolutely certain of victory, because Jehovah's Chief Executive Officer is leading them. SERVICE As the men described by the Prophet Ezekiel in the ninth chapter went in before the altar and registered for service, so likewise the anointed of the Lord as they arrived at the convention registered for service. All motor cars were registered, numbered and put into the service. Beginning with lIonday all the daJ's of the convention following were field service days. The service department was well organized, and under the leadership of captains of eompanies practically every- one at the convention engaged in the field service. There was scarcely sufficient territory to give every- one service at all times. Columbus and the vicinity for fifty miles around was well covered and served by the workers. Like other parts of the country the economic conditions in that vicinity arc bad and the people in much distress, while the clergy busy them- selves in an attempt to prevent the people from hear- ing the truth. This handicap did not prevent the message from getting to the people, however. In Some of the towns the clergy went through the streets in a body and warned the people to give no heed to the witnesses of Jehovah; but instead of heeding the clergy the people were even more anxious to know, and many of them took the books. In some of the towns the clergy held indignation meetings, denounc- ing the convention and declaring that "the work of these people must be destroyed". The clergy have begun too late. A brief synopsis of the work done in the field is given as follows: Workers ._._ _ _ 7,231 Testimonies .. ..__.__. 391,000 Books and booklets placed _._"_"_"._ 390.126

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