„Oldal:Equipped-for-every-good-work-1946.pdf/110” változatai közötti eltérés

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2 144 bájt hozzáadva, 2021. április 16., 10:42
Nincs korrektúrázva: Új oldal, tartalma: „108 "EQUIPPED FOR EVERY GOOD WORK" Cain, the first man-child born, murders Abel, the first earthly witness of Jehovah . Religion's grip is strengthened ; men call cre…”
(Nincs korrektúrázva: Új oldal, tartalma: „108 "EQUIPPED FOR EVERY GOOD WORK" Cain, the first man-child born, murders Abel, the first earthly witness of Jehovah . Religion's grip is strengthened ; men call cre…”)
(Nincs különbség)

A lap 2021. április 16., 10:42-kori változata

A lap nincsen korrektúrázva



Cain, the first man-child born, murders Abel, the first earthly witness of Jehovah . Religion's grip is strengthened ; men call creatures by the name of the Lord in hypocrisy . Events mount to a climax : riotous living begins, wicked angels materialize as giants, good ones cohabit with women to produce a mongrel race of hybrids, and general corruption and degeneracy reach a peak . Jehovah announces an earth-cleansing flood . Only Noah and his family ride out the deluge in the ark . The first unrighteous or ungodly world is washed away, and the historical record has advanced us to A .M . 1656 . (Anno Mundi means "in the year of the world" .)-4 : 1-7 : 24 . After the flood Noah and his family worship Jehovah, hear the everlasting covenant, and have restated to them the divine mandate . Nimrod rockets to infamy as an ambitious world dictator . He organizes religion and politics, and seeks to unify his total-state structure by a tower of Babel . Instead, disunity by confusion of language and by many divisive races and kingdoms follows.-8 : 1-11 : 9 . Four hundred and twenty-seven years of the post-flood period elapse, and Jehovah speaks a blessed promise to Abraham, a promise to bless the obedient through Abraham's seed . Thereafter the Genesis account concerns itself with presenting the history of Abraham's household and the passing on of the promise to Isaac and Jacob . In Canaan land Ishmael is born to Abraham by a slave woman . The covenant of circumcision is established . Abraham sees the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah . Isaac is born, and with Ishmael's mocking of the five-year-old Isaac a 400-year period of affliction begins on God's people . Isaac is nearly sacrificed by his father, but is spared, and later marries Rebekah, who bears Jacob . Jacob's twelve sons become the twelve tribal heads of Israel .-12 : 1-35 : 29 . The account enters its final stages with the selling of the "dreamer" Joseph into Egypt . There he is advanced in the realm to a place second only to Pharaoh ; this through an inspired interpretation of Pharaoh's dream warning of

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