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5 960 bájt hozzáadva, 2021. december 17., 13:17
Nincs korrektúrázva: Új oldal, tartalma: „{{raw:data:ai|3|1931 SZEPTEMBER 15|{{raw:data:s|18|Az ŐRTORONY}}|281}} {{raw:data:c| {{raw:data:p|nq| The booklet The Kingdom, the Hope of the World, containing the Wa…”
(Nincs korrektúrázva: Új oldal, tartalma: „{{raw:data:ai|3|1931 SZEPTEMBER 15|{{raw:data:s|18|Az ŐRTORONY}}|281}} {{raw:data:c| {{raw:data:p|nq| The booklet The Kingdom, the Hope of the World, containing the Wa…”)
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A lap 2021. december 17., 13:17-kori változata

A lap nincsen korrektúrázva



The booklet The Kingdom, the Hope of the World, containing the Warning to Christendom, must be distributed throughout Christendom. The purpose is to put all the machines to work until the message in the various languages has reached Christendom. Jehovah's witnesses will gladly do this work.
A discourse was delivered to the convention dealing with the thirty-fifth chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah, which discourse was entitled "Remnant to the Front". Under this title the discourse in full will appear in The Watch Tower. Suffice it here to say that it was pointed out as an indisputable fact that the remnant must now take the lead on the highway or great high road and lift up the standard of the Lord to the peo- ple so that all of good will may take their stand on the side of Jehovah. This greatly enthused the work- ers because it points out to them definitely what work is to be done.
VINDICATION At the conclusion of a discourse dealing with the ninth chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy, concerning the man with the writer's inkhorn, the convention was informed that a new book entitled Vindication was now off the press and that the autograph edition was ready for distribution. This announcement was re- ceived with great enthusiasm because the consecrated have long looked to the Lord to send some explanation of Ezekiel's prophecy. This book of Vindication treats the first twenty-four chapters of Ezekiel's prophecy. It discloses the judgments of Jehovah writ- ten against Christendom and shows that his witnesses must now serve notice upon Christendom that the day of her visitation and destruction is at hand.•• Son of man [including the remnant], I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wick- edness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy souL" (Ezek. 3: 17-19) This admonition from Jehovah was direct- ed to Ezekiel who was called the Son of man. With equal, if not stronger, force it is now directed to his remnant on earth who by virtue of being a part of the elect servant take the name "The Son of Man". One of the titles of Christ Jesus is "The Son of the man" and all of the anointed become part of him. Those at the convention who took away the volume of Vindication will quickly acquaint themselves with its contents and be ready by the Lord's grace to do what the Lord requires them to do. The convention did not adjourn as other conven- tions have disbanded in the past. Jehovah's witnesses realized that there is much work now to be done and which must be done quickly; hence the convention merely extended its work by going to other cities or places and there engaged in work. These extension conventions were held July 31 and August 1 and 2 in the following cities, to wit: Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Washington. At the same time conventions were held throughout the many countries of earth where the anointed are giving the testimony. Our space here docs not permit a full report from these extension conventions; but suffice it to say that the reports show that the ert- thusiasm which began at Columbus was carried to the other points, and thousands of books were placed in the hands of the people. It was thrilling, to say the least, to see thousands of consecrated people sing- ing praise to Jehovah and marching out of the great auditorium and going to different places to continue the work. Joy was in every heart, and every one was giving thanks to God that he had been permitted to be present at the convention. Those present will carry the enthusiasm to others who were compelled to stay at home; and the good done at Columbus, and the work of witnessing there begun, like waves resulting from the dropping of a great stone in the water, will extend and keep on going out and further out until it fills the whole land. EATING It was necessary for those attending the convcn- tion to be fed material food for their physical needs. Many of the Lord's people have very little of earthly goods with which to supply the necessary food. The Socicty arranged to serve good food on the grounds at a minumum cost. The Bethel organization took this in hand, and thousands were daily fed. This also enabled many to remain on the grounds and be close to their tents and other sleeping quarters. The JI essenger did a splendid service. It is not the purpose of The JI essenger to publish the discourses or the discussion of doctrinal points. That remains for The Watch Tower to do. The Messenger gave a general view of the convention and the work of the Society at its various branch offices in different parts of the earth. Thousands of copies were sent to differ- ent parts of the earth, and doubtless the few remain- ing copies will be quickly absorbed. The treatment of those attending the convention by the good people of Ohio is best expressed by the resolution unanimous- ly adopted on July 30, and which appears as follows: BE IT RESOLVED by Jehovah's witnesses in international con· vention assembled at Columbus, Ohio, in July 1931, as follows: That following the Scriptural injunction we delight in all things to give thanks, knowing that whatsoever things our heavenly Father provides for us shall work together for our good because we love him and keep his commandments. We express our sincere thanks to the governor and to the other officera of the State Fair Association of Ohio for the
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